Dungeon Keeper Maps Database

Details about map from a pack


Name: Stolen belongs to Thief 1.0.0

Author: Anonymous, Created on 17 Sep 1997

Keepers: Red, Blue

Pool: Wizard, Barbarian, Archer, Monk, Dwarf, Tunneller Witch, Giant, Fairy, Thief, Samurai, Troll, Dragon Demon Spawn, Fly, Dark Mistress, Warlock, Bile Demon Beetle, Spider, Hell Hound, Orc

Objects on map:

Creatures: 33, Traps: 6, Doors: 3, Items: 56

Dungeon hearts: 2, Hero gates: 0, Special Boxes: 2

Description: There are some old buildings on this land... I wonder what secrets they hide. Your opponent, which attrcts good creatures, must be wondering too.


Maps viewed: 1

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