A simple GUI for generating basic scripts. It has no 'open' function, so allows only creating new scripts - can't be used to edit existing ones.
It is not open-source, but is still in development. Simplicity makes it a perfect choice for beginners, who are not able to write the script manually yet.
Contact Psycix on Keeper Klan forum to get a copy of this tool
A tool which finds errors in scripts. It can't find all errors, and sometimes is mistaking, so be sure to check its suggestions with the Scripting Reference. Still, it is quite useful.
Written in Visual Basic, the newest version was released in 2003, but the projects site is still frequently updated.
A good editor with verification ability comes with the DKTools pack. It can detect most of possible script problems, but displays messages in french, which in some cases may be confusing...
The ADiKtEd map editor has ability to verify scripts. It can detect lot of possible problems - a lot more than other verifiers, as it not only verifies the commands alone, but also checks their relation to the map layout - so, for example, it will warn you if you're using a hero gate which doesn't exist on map.
To initiate the verification, you must press 'v' in ADiKtEd. If you want to be informed only of script errors, and don't want the whole map to be verified, then before pressing 'v' enter script mode (you can do this with ctrl+'t').
Please report any problems or dead links.
Read README file before using any of the tools!